Mount Nokogiriyama
Pleasant hiking and spectactular views are worth the monotonous journey....
From the JR station, walk few minutes to the cable car.
if you feel courageous, reaching the top is a solid hour (& 1/2...) of trekking; but that will make the view even more enjoyable! You will walk past a massive quarry that in itself is quite formidable...

Once you reach the top, you will be rewarded with a breath-taking view of the Tokyo Bay, all the way to Fuji if weather permits (I cheated, the picture below is displayed at the summit...).
From there, either you go down to the Seated Daibutsu or the cliff-carved one...
Going down, follow the sign "daibutsu nihon-ji temple". chance is you will find the descent mystical: the deep green forest, the quietness, the 1500 arhat sculptures lining your way; they are all more than the sum of their parts....really really relaxing....
at the bottom of the stairs you will be greeted by the 30m daibutsu. There are vending machines, tables for picnics, and toilets...
Once you have rested, you can either go down to the JR station or go back up to reach the standing daibutsu
To go back toward Tokyo, you can either go back from Hamakanaya station, or take a soothing, 40mns cruise to kanaya port just across the bay. from there, take a keikyu train through yokohama, kawasaki....
Poras Raoul Jean Raymond ポラス ラウル ジーンレイモンド